A brief reflection on in vitro fertilization in brazilian context


  • Ana Claúdia da Hora Oliveira
  • Arianne Matos Silva
  • Jaíza Neves Brabec
  • Larissa Santos Soares
  • Thayze Carvalho Santos
  • Suzanne Bezerra Franco
  • Melainne Chrystina Barreto Silva
  • Maria das Graças da Silva Correia UNIT


IVF, Discussions, Human life, Surplus embryos, Use in research


The present study on the practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF) includes some discussion on the topic. The dilemmas that permeate the ethical issues sometimes are not always understood by the board of professional ethics. The circumstance is different and requires reflection and analysis in each case. Accordingly, this article aims to literature: a) Identify the rights of embryos and prospects for science research through its manipulation and b) analyze the most commonly occurring social contexts that motivate the search for artificial fertilization, indications and possible complications and ethical issues involved in these procedures and if they are allowed by law. This technique helps the couple that is unlikely to have a child. Why is directly related to the transfer of multiple embryos, one of its main consequences is the risk of multiple birth. In relation to the target embryos are various possibilities as indicated in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders and cardiac, diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Despite the controversies about the various social segments IVF, SUS already available on the understanding that it is a means of remedying the failure of fertilization of the individual.


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Author Biography

Maria das Graças da Silva Correia, UNIT

Departamento de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde.



How to Cite

Oliveira, A. C. da H., Silva, A. M., Brabec, J. N., Soares, L. S., Santos, T. C., Franco, S. B., … Correia, M. das G. da S. (2012). A brief reflection on in vitro fertilization in brazilian context. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - SERGIPE, 1(1), 99–105. Retrieved from https://periodicosgrupotiradentes.emnuvens.com.br/cadernobiologicas/article/view/287


