Licensing in Brazil on environmental power plants: a case study of the plant of Belo Monte in rio Xingu (PA)


  • Bárbara Brena Santos Costa Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Géssica de Oliveira Santiago Santos Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Angelis Carvalho Menezes Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Iago Filipe Silva de Oliveira Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Willami Lemos Santos Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Iolanda Cristina Melo Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Sandro Luis Medeiros


Environmental Licensing, Belo Monte (PA), Power Plants, Environment


The environmental licensing is an instrument of national politics of the environment. The main guidelines for the execution of the Environmental Permit are expressed by Lay n° 6.938, August 31th, 1981 and the resolutions CONAMA n° 001/86 and n° 273/97. The Lay stipulates that entrepreneur’s obligation to seek the environmental permit at the competent body, from the initial stages of planning your undertaking and installation to effective operation. The Environmental Licensing board is the Ibama agency responsible for execution of licensing at federal level. In order to evaluate as the process of environmental licensing of hydroelectric plants, this article aims to investigate this question. Yonder bringing comments of the case of Belo Monte’s plant construction, in Xingu River (PA). Clarify on the licensing of hydroelectric projects and compare the economic development with the environmental conservation are also the focus of this work.


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Author Biographies

Bárbara Brena Santos Costa, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes e em Engenharia Agrícola pela UFS - Universidade Federal de Sergipe.

Géssica de Oliveira Santiago Santos, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes.

Angelis Carvalho Menezes, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes.

Iago Filipe Silva de Oliveira, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduando em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes.

Willami Lemos Santos, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduando em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes.

Iolanda Cristina Melo, Unit - Universidade Tiradentes

Graduanda em Engenharia Ambiental pela Unit - Universidade Tiradentes.



How to Cite

Costa, B. B. S., Santos, G. de O. S., Menezes, A. C., de Oliveira, I. F. S., Santos, W. L., Melo, I. C., & Medeiros, S. L. (2012). Licensing in Brazil on environmental power plants: a case study of the plant of Belo Monte in rio Xingu (PA). Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas - UNIT - SERGIPE, 1(1), 19–33. Retrieved from


