Transport and logistics oil


  • Eliane Mendonça Lima UNIT - Universidade Tiradentes
  • Fabiano Santos Lima
  • Ingrid Leonel Melo Garcez Guedes
  • Italo Davi Aragao Barbosa
  • Maria Helena Andrade da Graça Silva
  • Renata Fonseca Tavares Araujo
  • Michelle de Jesus Silva


Challenge, cost, distance


The oil originated from the accumulation of organic matter that was deposited at the bottom of seas and lakes or burial. Oil activity, both in Brazil and abroad, is of extreme importance is that your industry has five steps in its production chain including exploration, production, refining and distribution. The functions and logistics activities are generally preceded by obtaining the demand, which includes market research, analysis and product development, one of the main challenges of logistics, to supply the most distant regions of the major centers. Although the product to be transported is oil, there is a different approach in this regard. Transportation is one of the most important steps, it will be when the oil and oil products arrive just steps from the consumer. The products are transferred and store in the primary distribution bases from which to follow the bases or secondary distribution to end customers. When leaving the refinery, the following products as the best logistics for distributors.


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How to Cite

Lima, E. M., Lima, F. S., Guedes, I. L. M. G., Barbosa, I. D. A., Silva, M. H. A. da G., Araujo, R. F. T., & Silva, M. de J. (2012). Transport and logistics oil. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas - UNIT - SERGIPE, 1(1), 87–93. Retrieved from


