

  • Maria Neide Oliveira Caramanico UEM Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Marli Schmitt Zanella Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Gisele Silva Costa Duarte Colégio Mundo Mágico da Criança, Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Médio; Doutora, Professora; Goioerê/PR; Brasil.
  • Henrique Ortêncio Filho Universidade Estadual de Maringá




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Interested in promoting reflections that favor educational actions aimed at biodiversity conservation, which can minimize the loss of biodiversity and promote the recovery of ecosystems, we wondered about the importance of venomous animals (snakes, scorpions and spiders), which are culturally accosted and little understood by society, but potentially relevant to promote an environmental balance. In this sense, this study aims to identify what perceptions high school students of a public vocational college mobilize in relation to venomous animals. Data collection was carried out from a qualitative analysis, by means of semi-structured questionnaires, applied to fourteen students of technical courses in Informatics and Fashion Production, integrated to the High School of a professionalizing college in the northwest of Paraná. The method used for data analysis was Textual Discourse Analysis, which allowed us to identify and categorize the students' perceptions. As results it was possible to observe that there is fear and misunderstanding associated with venomous animals, together with a lack of knowledge about the habits and scientific concepts about the preservation of these animals and their importance for the ecological balance. Moreover, the research participants believe that these animals are important for the environment. This work comprises the investigations of the XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Research Group and is the result of the Master's dissertation entitled "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", authored by the first author of this article.


Keywords: Environment. Environmental Sciences. Venomous.

Author Biographies

Marli Schmitt Zanella, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Marli Schmitt Zanella é docente do Departamento de Ciências da Universidade Estadual de Maringá e membro permanente do Mestrado Profissional em Rede Nacional para o Ensino das Ciências Ambientais (PROFCIAMB). É licenciada em Matemática pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná e Doutora em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá.

Gisele Silva Costa Duarte, Colégio Mundo Mágico da Criança, Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Médio; Doutora, Professora; Goioerê/PR; Brasil.

Colégio Mundo Mágico da Criança, Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Médio; Doutora, Professora; Goioerê/PR; Brasil.

How to Cite

Oliveira Caramanico, M. N., Schmitt Zanella, M., Silva Costa Duarte, G., & Ortêncio Filho, H. . (2022). HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF VENOMOUS ANIMALS. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 8(3), 498–511. https://doi.org/10.17564/2316-3798.2021v8n3p498-511