Introduction: The child's motor acquisition occurs through a basic organization that involves the ability to use and control the striated muscles, responsible for voluntary movement. Due to a pathology, disorder, syndrome, there may be a deviation in this development and, therefore, functional changes. An example of such a pathology is Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which gathers neurodevelopmental disorders present since birth or early childhood. Objective: This study aims to analyze the influence of dance as a therapeutic intervention in the rehabilitation and / or social inclusion of individuals with ASD. Methods: The data collection period was from March to April 2020. The articles were initially selected by combining the descriptors, using the suffix “and” (Dance Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder) totaling 19 articles. After placing the filter to obtain articles from 2015 to 2020, 6 articles were eliminated, leaving 13 studies. Of these, a thorough reading of the title and abstract was done, eliminating 6, as it did not meet the proposed inclusion criteria, resulting in a sample of 7 articles. Results: After a critical analysis of the articles, it was observed that in this case, dance aims to mitigate pathologies, prevent cognitive decline, coordination, functional, motor, intellectual and social balance. Studies still report that flexibility and strength, with respect to musculoskeletal changes, are the biggest limitations of activities of daily living, and high incidences of falls, for example, and that dance is a physical activity that can contribute significantly for improvement in disposition, muscle strength, self-esteem and self-determination. Taking into account the benefits of dance, in improving the quality of life, it was seen that dance was inserted in the physiotherapy sector, as another socio-physical-mental option (Barboza, 2014; Tonon, Duim and Santos, 2012). Conclusion: Therefore, it is known that physical therapy through the ludic dance has the purpose of addressing individuals in various aspects that are deficient or not, sensory, emotional, motor and re-education and postural stability. Final Considerations: It is necessary to carry out further studies on the topic addressed so that you can find greater scientific support as to what is the best treatment for this syndrome.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sousa, D. S., Santa Brígida da Silva, J., Bispo Silva, L., dos Santos, Y., & Santos Santana, L. (2021). A DANÇA COMO PROPOSTA DE REABILITAÇÃO E INCLUSÃO SOCIAL DE INDIVÍDUOS COM TRANSTORNO DO ESPECTRO AUSTISTA. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - SERGIPE, 7(1), 11–21. Retrieved from https://periodicosgrupotiradentes.emnuvens.com.br/cadernobiologicas/article/view/10006
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